Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sports Scores 1.4

The much requested Live Tile feature is now available in Sports Scores.  You can now select two teams you'd like to track and each day it will display scores for those teams.  Updates are only sent when something changes in the game (and it's been at least the update interval) to minimize battery usage.

I still have some things to work out with college teams so that will come in a future update.  I wanted to get support out for professional teams since it was already implemented...

Due to the cost of maintaining the push notification service the feature is only available in the paid version.

If you have any issues, please let me know.



  1. I'm getting some reports of crashes when starting up the app. Please let me know what you did before exiting the app (I'm assuming that Live Tile support was turned on) and what teams you selected.

    A couple of things to try:

    1) Restart the phone and see if still happens.
    2) Turn off any other apps that are using live tiles. There is a limited number of notification channels per phone.
    3) Uninstall the app and re-install. This should restore default settings and at least the app will work again.
    4) Make sure the app is pinned to the start screen.

    If any of these work then please let me know. I have some suspicions as to what the problem may be, but until I can confirm it I'm just guessing...

    If anybody is in the Seattle area and would like to help debug the issue then let me know.

    Just FYI, the app was tested using an HD7 and a Focus.

  2. I have an LG Quantum and could not update from v1.3 even after reboot/pulled battery etc. After I uninstalled/reinstalled it seems ok now.

  3. Are you running the trial or paid version? I think there may be a bug on the phone where trial apps don't update correctly and need to be uninstalled and re-installed. At least I think I read that somewhere. :)

  4. That's correct, there is a current bug with trials updating.

    Eric, any chance you can set start times to local (or allow it to be user set), rather than ET by default?

  5. I have an LG Quantum and the tile doesn't seem to be updating. I have the Bulls and Bears set as the teams to update every 10 minutes. I know that the Bulls are playing right now too. Any help is appreciated!

  6. Great app! I have a Samsung Focus and it does not seem to be updating. I know the Mavericks are playing tonight. Again great app! Well done!

  7. Thanks for taking the time to report your issues. It really is a big help to have more information.

    I found an issue in my database and have fixed it. So as of about 10:30 PST you should be receiving live tile updates. Sorry for the delay there. It was working fine until it hit a certain number of users... :)

    I'll look into converting the game times to the local time zone.

  8. Hey, thanks for the update. I have a feature suggestion: only update the live tile if a game is happening - this would save battery and data.

  9. :) I know it's not really apparent from the app (I guess I should make the text more detailed) but that's actually what is happening. The server only sends updates if something is different. So the update interval is really an in game update interval.

    My first test versions didn't do that. You're right, it did drain the battery.

  10. Great update! Live tile is great! Eagerly awaiting college support. Keep up the good work.

  11. I have the LG Optimus and the app was crashing on me. I had live tiles set for 2 NHL teams, Vancouver and Montreal. I disabled live tiles but it kept crashing. I should mention that this only happened when I clicked o a game for the game details and only with the NHL. The NBA and NFL seemed fine. I un installed and re installed and its no longer crashing but the game details page says" unable to load page".

  12. I just noticed that if a NHL game hasn't started and you click on details that's when the app crashes on me and shuts down. If the game has already started I get the "unable to load page" message

  13. Thanks for reporting these issues. I have an updating pending approval in the marketplace for the crashes. I was hoping it would make it in on Friday, but it didn't. :( So, hopefully it will be out sometime Monday.

    I have fixes for the NHL problems people are seeing, but they didn't make it in to the next update. Those fixes will come in the following update (hopefully with NCAA support).

